
NICKNACK jako rychle rostoucí rodinná firma od začátku fungovala díky elánu a nasazení svých zakladatelů. S příchodem nových zaměstnanců jsme však zjistili, že je třeba vyladit komunikaci s lidmi ve firmě. Po dvou workshopech – prvním s vedením firmy, druhým se –zaměstnanci – jsme díky skvěle připravenému zhodnocení ze strany JuiceUPu získali ucelený přehled o potřebách našich zaměstnanců. Otevřelo nám to oči v tom, jak a co komunikujeme směrem k zaměstnancům, kde je naše síla a kde naopak máme rezervy, na kterých můžeme začít pracovat. Navrhli nám soubor „rychlých opatření“, které jsme mohli hned zavést a které stále fungují. Nyní se zaměstnanci komunikujeme mnohem konkrétněji, podařilo se nám přehledněji nastavit firemní strukturu, zaměstnanci se lépe orientují ve svých úkolech. Dostávají pravidelně zpětnou vazbu a i po roce od prvních workshopů vidíme přínos. Ve spolupráci s JuiceUPem pokračujeme, a to formou individuálního koučování vedoucích zaměstnanců.

Klára Hanáková Makovská

Manažer kanceláře/HR, administrativa

Involvement of JuiceUP in HR and educational activities have brought to the TESCO SW company a new perspective on the needs of employees and the functioning of internal processes. JuiceUP's systematic and analytical approach has helped our company not only to quantify the current state of the pronounced areas, but also to continue to influence those activities that will TESCO SW move forward. The key element of mutual cooperation was the introduction of analytical indicators, which we use to continuously evaluate the spent efforts.

David Tesařík

Assistant to the CEO for Production

Mutual understanding and harmony were the most important for me when collaborating on the Mood Book. The best time invested into the project concerned speaking about it and brainstorming with others. From the start, I felt that JuiceUp was interested in our project. I knew that the overall enthusiasm and collective ambition were key moments! We managed to set up a feeling of of deep trust and fellowship. I have no doubt that everyone (in JuiceUp, the moderators of workshops, the photographer, the graphic designers, the scriptwriter, the technical support, and many others) did their best job on the project.

Martin Matras

New headquarters project manager, Česká spořitelna

I was surprised and pleased with the quality and the energy JuiceUP worked with our entire company. Their work was very meaningful and increased the motivation of our people. After the end of the project, we immediately agreed to continue.

Jan Kočař

Country Manager Belupo Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics Inc.

We needed to sort out our thoughts basically. We knew that innovating technologies fast means to have a space where cross functional teams can meet, collaborate and test solutions with users. What we had was a part of an older manufacturing hall, quite a few internal stakeholders, many good ideas, energy but limited understanding of what “innovative workspace” means. Thus inviting JuiceUP and Yuar was a step to get additional external expertise in workspace design and change all those inputs into much clearer scope and approach. All that in a very professional communication package including inspirations from other companies which might be further down the road with creating technology experience centers right next to manufacturing areas. The value added was therefore in navigating us through that using design thinking methodology and balancing “everybody has their say” with “enough, let’s move forward”.

Luboš Malý

Director Knowledge Management Innovation in Operations LEGO Production, s.r.o.

JuiceUP provided us with extraordinary points of view regarding our inner communication, personal values, and the overall cooperation within our team. A perfectly prepared program revealed areas that we can work on and improve ourselves. With a precise focus and an effective support from the JuiceUP team, we enhanced work motivation and relationships within our organization.

David Ondráček

CEO Transparency International Czech Republic

In MyStay we recruited more than 10 people within 6 months and many of them directly occupied new key positions. We knew that such a rapid recruitment process would not be easy, and that we would need help with specific relationships and processes from professionals. The JuiceUP team captivated us with its methodology and thorough procedures in obtaining data. During interviews our colleagues felt that our management team was doing the best for them even from a human point of view, and they were truly pleased that the company was interested in hearing their opinions. The JuiceUP team produced a detailed document, that included the mapping out of our company, recommendations on how to modify our internal processes and meetings, and a change in our meeting room and in other activities that we have not previously identified.

Radek Novotný

CEO of MyStay

When you are working on a construction project, in which numerous parties are involved, a lot of tense and difficult negotiations may arise. Everyone has their own interest and everyone wants to enforce something else, in short, it is not easy and sometimes it is even impossible to satisfy everyone. But, we managed to solve the situation with the help of JuiceUp, a company that through its mediation techniques and commented action gave the entire process a clear structure and open atmosphere for our talks, thanks to which negotiations were conducted in a cultivated and effective manner and the whole project was able to move on.

Richard Pešek

Executive director LRC & partner s.r.o.

JuiceUP led us through a process how to set corporate values. Starting with being aware of personal values of our individual team members, we have gradually become aware of our company values through their sensitive leadership. We were surprised how much we did. We appreciate their feedback, as well as specific advices on how to proceed. We will look forward to continue this work in the future.

Vít Uličný

CEO Rascasone

There are various types of education. To educate employees, you must have talent, prerequisites, qualifications, and most importantly you can only do it if you enjoy it. I have been looking for an educational partner for our company, that would design and implement a development program for our production masters, based on modern educational trends and a maximal individual approach. I had no idea that it would be such a problem, but a consistent search spreading over months of time finally paid off. By chance I got in touch with an educational group of young guys who called themselves Juice Up. Already during our first meeting, I realized that I had found a needle in a haystack. These champions met my expectations at 100%. From the first moment they cooperated based on an individual approach, and one could even say that they were tailoring the entire educational program to our needs and requirements, as if they were doing it for themselves. The result of our months-long collaboration was a major success, that I wish everyone, and I am convinced that these guys are doing their job just great. Keep it up, gentlemen, I am looking forward to further working with you.

René Pomiklo

HR director in KES s.r.o.